Saturday, July 21, 2012

Wow How Long Has It Been

...since I last updated?

It's kinda hard keeping up a blog. Especially if there's a possibility people you know can see this blog.

Sigh. *takes down all links to this blog she can find*

So far my life's been pretty hectic. School's pretty tough. This third year of high school is really important, especially college. And then my cousins from America came over for their vacation, so I've been shuffling my time between school and interacting with them. These kinds of visits are really rare, so we're making the most out of it as we can.

As for my writing, no inspiration has been coming yet. I think it's coz something else has been filling my thoughts lately, that's why there's no room for thinking of my writing.

Or is it someone?

Yeap. This writer has gotten her taste of first love! ;) I refuse to talk about that though, it's miiiiiiighty complicated. It all roots down to the fact that he doesn't like me back though.

Sad story, yeah.

He's really busy right now though, so I've been trying to distract myself and trying my best not to bother him. So far I've taken up the crochet hook and the game console again. You know how my poetry sucks, and how it takes forever for me to come up with one? I find that with the right incentive, I can actually make somewhat decent on- okay, they're not decent. But I can make one up in less than ten minutes at least. 

That's all my excuses for now.

Yours truly,

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